About three years ago I had an idea that came upon me when thinking about some over extracted coffee and star tracks.
I was setting in the front room of my old house with my friend Travis Curtice sipping some coffee from my Bialetti percolator. For any of you that use or have ever used a percolator, you know that (or for me at least) over extracting your coffee is pretty easy. When the coffee gets over extracted the oils come out and float on the surface. As I set, talking to travis I noticed that the oils were catching the late noon sun rays coming through my window and where exploding with light. This blew my mind and I knew I could do something really interesting with the oil in the coffee.
A few days before we had many low clouds and high winds. A friend suggested I take some long exposures of the clouds rushing past the moon. So after doing this and being quite happy with the results.
So here is my small story about how the coffee tracks happened.
Lighting the coffee for the 2 second exposure proved to be a little more than difficult. I didn't have an gels at that time and as I look back I realize I might have been able to get more color out of the coffee oil employing a couple. You will see the light ended up burning a couple spots in the liquid, I tried many exposures and angles to avoid this but found it unavoidable. I plan on rehashing this project with the coffee and maybe shooting out doors or perhaps in the evening light. I've also decided that I'll have my friend @JustinNevins make me some great over extracted coffee. I decided since he makes brilliant coffee he can also make bad coffee really well.
Here is "Coffee Tracks"
Also, if you have any lighting suggestions I would be more than happy to hear your thoughts!
I love the bottom one, it reminds me of watching a vinyl record play.