Monday, June 11, 2012

Destination Photo Project...

So first update since January...woah...5 months or so. Ouch.
I have been wanting to boost this thing back off, give it some new life, fresh feel etc. So I will be changing things up a bit soon. (At least, sooner than 5 months I am sure.)
So I will start this back up with an explanation: DESTINATION PHOTO PROJECT!

If you have twitter and are interested in this event, follow me @1281photography 
(this isn't a "please follow me on twitter" plea or anything...I promise!) and I will be posting photos of the location as well as geo tagging it so that you can find your way easier! I will also be posting to my FB page too, so those of you who are tweet-less fear not!
So, here we go...

Destination Photo Project…

For an evening out

With your friends

With your kids

With your significant other

Look for geo tagged location photos

Look for times and dates

Show up that evening ready to be a goof, make a memory or just for spontaneities sake! 

This is a destination based “photo booth” event

Different Joplin-scapes

Different locations

New themes

Twice a month!

If you're interested in the idea behind this and where it was born from please read on...if not, have a nice evening. 

I have always enjoyed the idea of a photo booth. A good way to have fun and get your name and work out into the public eye.  @9artphoto has met with great success with his photo booths and I've been inspired by how he meets the public via this fun event! (Great work Mark!) 
I've wanted to do a photo booth style event but have it be a bit different, perhaps more spontaneous would be a good way to describe it. So in the course of a few conversations with a few good people the idea of DESTINATION PHOTO PROJECT was conceived. I take a photo booth and place it in pre planned places around town, different back grounds, different themes, finding the location, I feel like all these elements will add up to a great and fun experience that can be had for free and will fit into any ones weekend schedule. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A quick post for photo loves of all walks....

You must stop by Crave photographys Facebook page  HERE....
Then check out the album called, Madelyn & Justin.
This album has y most favorite photos of a couple on Railroad tracks I have see in quite some time...

If you're might find your self interested in a give away, Crave has that too. They're crazy and giving away either a 85mm Nikon 1.4 or an 85mm 1.2 Cannon, (plus other prizes as well....) the choice is yours.
Since you would be nuts to not be interested click HERE and enter your self in this giveaway!

(I have already....)