So this story begins about 6 months ago, yes, six of them back.
So Amanda has this, trampoline, she loves to bounce, you might say she is professional...
on our last trek to Iowa, we recovered her trampoline from the old chicken coop where it was sadly retired. We made this rescue and now this mass of aluminum, springs and nylon are setting in my back yard. We jump, we laugh, we lay, we jump, we laugh, we lay, she jumps, I lay....
Amanda came by on her lunch break the other day, to jump (yes she loves to jump) and I got out my camera.( yes I love to photograph) She jumped and I photographed. We both did what we love and here is what happened! Enjoy this small view into our eyes.
Also here is a preview of Amy & Dave's baby! (my sis and bro in law) Rannen Ezra Fix!
Keep a close eye out, you will see more of Rannen soon.